Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thing 3 RSS

I have been exploring RSS feeds and using my iGoggle page. My challenge is to discover how to add audio/video rss feeds (podcasts) and not just text. My hope is to use igoogle as a one page stop to link to all the new web tools I am learning about. Of course, as we all keep hearing, if I would just take time to read the instructions I might get more accomplished. Summer is fast coming to a close and the pressure is on because I know once school starts my mind will be on other things such as getting my media center up and running for all the wonderful students!
I have not subscribed to many rss feeds but that is because I haven't found lots of things I want to spend time reading on a regular basis. As time goes on I know I will utilize it more but I don't want to clutter my things to do/read list just because the ability is there. Okay onto thing 4...

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