My youngest is leaving for Army basic training on Monday so his sister wanted to make a special treat. DD found this idea on pintrest and quickly make some yummy camo cupcakes. The first part was to make the batter, divide in three parts.
Add cocoa powder to one part for the brown, green and a hint of brown coloring for the dark green and leave the third mix part cream colored (we started with yellow cake mix). Em (DD) just globbed the three diff. colors in the cupcake liners instead of piping them in as the original directions stated.
Bake per directions on the box of cake mix
Em likes to make her frosting from scratch and lucky for us I had some whipping cream on hand (that's her secret for extra yummy frosting) and then divided the frosting into three parts to color, one stayed white, the second turned green with coloring and a bit of cocoa powder, and the brown frosting had cocoa added. We tried three different sandwich bags inside a frosting bag with one big tip but in the end it just made a big mess because the frosting bag wasn't big enough to accommodate all the little bags. Em finished up the dozen plus 3 cupcakes by carefully putting the three diff color frosting
in the bag. By the end it was quite messy but we had fun in the kitchen and Bill (the soldier) was impressed! And best of all - Yummy treats for everyone!!